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This recipe was stolen from a friend's Facebook status: "Just made the yummiest cup of coffee I have ever had by cold brewing coarse grind Tim Hortons in my french press. Extract goes in the fridge and my coffee is made for the week."

Used the "Hourglass" recipe:

2.25 cups grinds
3.5 cups water

Brew in fridge overnight. After pressing, yields 16 ounces extract.

For cup of coffee, mix:

2 oz. extract
6 oz. hot water

"It's seriously good, and much healthier. And less caffeine. No more bitter, acidic coffee. And no more throwing out the old stuff in the pot after an hour of the kids distracting me from my coffee."

Thanks to Stephanie Brown Vande Kraats

The official "Hourglass" site claims the following:

What's so special about cold brew coffee? First and foremost, it’s naturally low in acid. For those with heartburn, GERD, or acid reflux, doctors often recommend reducing or eliminating coffee intake, due to its high acid content. With Hourglass cold brew you can dramatically reduce the acid you consume in your morning cup by 69.6%!

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