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Buns or Bread (Basic)

I've been making it into 24 buns most of the time, but it is a recipe for 2 loaves of bread.

Surprise Sausage Bundles

Erika made these for us during one of their visits.  They are really tasty and loved by those who enjoy sauerkraut. This recipe has inspired a sauerkraut/sausage pizza.  We'll add that recipe another time.

This recipe is from Mrs. Tuninga, the wife of the minister who was serving College Ave. CRC when Ted and I moved to Winnipeg in 1971.  We make them a lot, and I sometimes use this recipe for caramel rolls when I want to let them rise overnight and have them ready in the morning.

On the farm it was 8 loaves made 3 times a week plus a pan of buns.  Later, as the family grew smaller in town, 2 pans a week was the norm.