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  • Thai Noodle Salad

    We enjoyed this recipe last night. It's got crunch, lots of sauce and a nice flavour (although Jon and I both said that next time we'd add hot sauce for a little more kick).  Thought I'd pass it on...

    Erika Bakker
  • Dill Cucumber Soup

    We made a version of this at a family get-together and tried it again the other day. The cayenne is good but make sure to add it according to your taste. The original recipe calls for tamari to taste as well, but we didn't use it. (I think tamari is a particular kind of soy sauce).

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Thousand Island Pickles

    I got this recipe from mom, who said she got it from Jane.  I have made a lot of batches of these.  I can almost taste how good pork roast marinated in juice from these pickles then baked in the oven tasted.

    Elda Vander Schaaf
  • Million Dollar Relish

    Our neighbor lady on Riverton made this a lot in the fall.  It smelled so good as the smell wafted over (through) the chain link fence on those cool late summer evenings..

    Gert Bakker