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We had a container of cheap fajita seasoning from the International market down the street but found out it had MSG in it. Today I was making fajitas and realized we had no seasoning. I found this recipe online and followed it loosely (ie. not really measuring but using these ingredients in roughly these proportions) and it turned out pretty well.

We had buckets of this at our wedding reception. Literally.

Spicy Salsa that i ate with deep fried dough, but it would also be really good with a healthier alternative.

Canning Salsa

It's not as good as the fresh salsa, but it does last longer which can be helpful if you have a lot of tomatoes to use and want to save some jars for the future. I believe this one originated with the "More With Less" cookbook.

Janel says "Limes and lemons are key!"

For Christmas 1994 Jonathan gave Elbert a gift he really enjoyed.  It was a bag of potting soil, 12 pots, and a note telling him that each month he would receive some seeds.  As a bonus, he got some for that month as well.  They were for “hot peppers”.  Those hot peppers were his most treasured plants.  They were started in the house, then transplanted and kept on the deck for the summer.  Elbert watched them closely, then harvested the 14 peppers that were produced.  In the late fall, he and Gwen chopped them up for a triple recipe of this salsa.