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  • Pumpkin Dip

    Our favourite [pumpkin recipe] this week is a pumpkin dip that tastes great with apple slices.

    Erika Bakker
  • Delicious Jello Salad

    This salad recipe was from a family Donna Wynia and I visited quite often while on SWIM in Arizona in summer 1966.  The Bergsmas would take us on a picnic, this salad was usually part of the meal.

    Gert Bakker
  • Mushroom Pie (Sienipurakka)

    Auntie Gena gave me this recipe after we had it for lunch during a visit to Glenmount in 1999. Then Edward and I made it for Mom's birthday a few years ago when we were in Winnipeg before our wedding. Everybody there liked it, even though some weren't so sure when they saw so many mushrooms go into it. I'm typing the halved recipe (it will make one pie).

    Dawn and Edward Berkelaar