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I came across descriptions of this cookie while browsing Dutch baking blogs this past Christmas and have since made them several times. I like the light flaky-ness of them. I mentioned them in a group call the other day and thought I ought to post the recipe to encourage experimenting.

  • 1 Cup all-purpose flour
  • pinch salt
  • 1/2 Cup milk, warmed
  • 1/4 teaspoon active dry yeast
  • 1/2 teaspoon almond extract
  • 1 stick butter, room temperature
  • sugar

Combine the yeast with the warm milk and let stand for several minutes. Mix the flour and salt. Combine the milk/yeast mixture with the flour. Add the almond extract. Stir. Add in the butter (in small pieces) and knead/stir until everything comes together. Shape dough into a sausage shape, wrap with plastic wrap and refrigerate (at least 2 hours).

Take out the dough and roll flat ( I tried between two sheets of parchment or freezer paper). Sprinkle sugar on top, fold one third back towards the middle and the remaining third over all. Roll flat. Repeat several times. You build up layers this way that contribute to the flakiness. The sugar can also provide nice crystalline crunch in the middle of the dough this way.

Preheat oven to 350 F

After several fold/roll repetitions, roll out to desired thickness (1/4 or 3/8 of an inch) and cut into squares with a sharp knife. Dredge cut pieces in sugar and refrigerate (wrapped). Distribute cookies onto parchment paper or silicone mat on cookie sheets and bake approx. 20-25 minutes.

Good with coffee.


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