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  • Chocolate Eclairs

    These can be a bit tricky, both to make and to eat! Like a cream puff, just a little different shape.

    We made these once when Erika was visiting Winnipeg and I was maybe 6 years old (?) and they made a big impression on me as decadent desserts.

    Elbert Bakker
  • Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

    This is our go-to mac and cheese recipe for larger crowds. The cauliflower is optional but unobtrusive, so why not?

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Sweet Seventeen Scones

    This was a big success at Alleia's 17th birthday party. They tasted great. It would be pretty easy to swap out blueberries, almonds, and/or chocolate for the cranberry/orange combination, too.

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Gingerbread Cookies

    The making of gingerbread cookies came to be a Christmas tradition before we realised it. They are really good iced with a thin icing of powdered sugar and water. This recipe also works if you pat it into a cookie sheet for a gingerbread slice (ice with the same thin glaze).

    Gert Bakker
  • Granola

    This is the granola that we eat regularly for breakfast, and that we prepared for the Bakker Reunion at Moonlight Bay Centre (Wabamun Lake) in 2024.

    Jon & Erika Bakker
  • Egg Casserole

    This recipe is pretty flexible in terms of the kind of meat / cheese / etc.

    Matt and Erica
  • Maple Monkey Bread

    Since our family likes monkey breads and likes to make yeast dough – I thought this would be a winner.

    Elbert Bakker
  • Cauliflower Pizza Crust

    We had some delicious delux pizza (ground beef, onion, peppers, cheese) and it brought us back to pizza night on Rebeck Road. The kids made some individual pizzas and I made a “cheese bread” with this recipe.

    Gwen Tiggelaar