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  • Raita

    This is an unusually, but very good flavored yogurt.  This recipe came from a cooking class Erica took at our local co-op, taught by Rupa Dash.

    Matt and Erica
  • Frozen Fruit Salad

    This recipe is from the wife of one of my bosses.  It tastes good on hot summer days.

    Darla DeKam
  • Delicious Jello Salad

    This salad recipe was from a family Donna Wynia and I visited quite often while on SWIM in Arizona in summer 1966.  The Bergsmas would take us on a picnic, this salad was usually part of the meal.

    Gert Bakker
  • Zucchini Jam

    This is good with Pineapple, apricot, or peach Jello.

    Mom DeKam
  • Snow On A Mountain

    We had this at a Ladies Rally in Emo, Ontario in June, 1981.  It is a fun meal to serve, good to serve after you've just done a major grocery shopping since there are quite a few ingredients.
    I don't know how many this serves, but would guess at least a dozen. When this is served the ingredients are served in order.  Begin with the rice, then the chicken and gravy, followed by the remaining ingredients in the order given.

    Gert Bakker
  • Nasi Goreng

    John and other Dutch immigrant families introduced me to this Indonesian rice classic.  It has become one of the Glenmount recipes people expect to get at buffets--partly because it is one of John’s favourites!

    Gena Van Dorp