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  • Cornbread

    This is a real favorite here in Winnipeg.

    Gert Bakker
  • Snow On A Mountain

    We had this at a Ladies Rally in Emo, Ontario in June, 1981.  It is a fun meal to serve, good to serve after you've just done a major grocery shopping since there are quite a few ingredients.
    I don't know how many this serves, but would guess at least a dozen. When this is served the ingredients are served in order.  Begin with the rice, then the chicken and gravy, followed by the remaining ingredients in the order given.

    Gert Bakker
  • Chocolate Eclairs

    These can be a bit tricky, both to make and to eat! Like a cream puff, just a little different shape.

    We made these once when Erika was visiting Winnipeg and I was maybe 6 years old (?) and they made a big impression on me as decadent desserts.

    Elbert Bakker
  • Sweet Seventeen Scones

    This was a big success at Alleia's 17th birthday party. They tasted great. It would be pretty easy to swap out blueberries, almonds, and/or chocolate for the cranberry/orange combination, too.

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Cauliflower Mac and Cheese

    This is our go-to mac and cheese recipe for larger crowds. The cauliflower is optional but unobtrusive, so why not?

    Laryn Kragt Bakker