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  • Greek Chicken

    Easy to prepare in the slow cooker and since it takes 9-10 hours to cook on low, its a great recipe for when you will be away from home all day.

    Gwen Tiggelaar
  • Apple Walnut Oatmeal

    We have enjoyed this Apple Walnut Oatmeal on cold winter mornings. We have prepared it overnight on low and it usually turns out pretty well, but there have been some instances of the bottom getting a little overcooked. Would work great when you stay up late and have to wake up early!

    Gwen Tiggelaar
  • French Press "Hourglass" Coffee Extract

    This recipe was stolen from a friend's Facebook status: "Just made the yummiest cup of coffee I have ever had by cold brewing coarse grind Tim Hortons in my french press. Extract goes in the fridge and my coffee is made for the week."

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Thai Noodle Salad

    We enjoyed this recipe last night. It's got crunch, lots of sauce and a nice flavour (although Jon and I both said that next time we'd add hot sauce for a little more kick).  Thought I'd pass it on...

    Erika Bakker
  • Fajitas with DIY Seasoning

    We had a container of cheap fajita seasoning from the International market down the street but found out it had MSG in it. Today I was making fajitas and realized we had no seasoning. I found this recipe online and followed it loosely (ie. not really measuring but using these ingredients in roughly these proportions) and it turned out pretty well.

    Laryn Kragt Bakker
  • Creamy Potato Soup

    The grade 6 class makes this as part of their unit on pioneers.  Then they usually make biscuits with it.  At college Jonathan and Dawn both had roommates from Prince Edward Island (potato country), so they have had this at college as well.

    Gert Bakker
  • Potato and Cheese Soup

    We use the same basic recipe for cauliflower, broccoli, pumpkin, asparagus, or mushroom soups.  Use the desired vegetable in place of potato.  Add complimentary seasonings and herbs.  Use a milder, white cheese with cauliflower and broccoli.  Cumin seasons cauliflower.

    Gena Van Dorp